Wednesday 30 May 2012

Apple CEO Tim Cook on Facebook: Stay tuned

Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook said he would like
 to see more of the company's products assembled
at home than in China and contain more US
components such as semiconductors.

Apple's chief executive Tim Cook has suggested that he could end the firm's long-running rivalry with Facebook in a bid to integrate more social networking features into the iPhone and iPad.
Cook said users should "stay tuned" to see the two firms working more closely.
"Facebook is a great company," he said during the D10 technology conference in California.
"And the relationship is solid. I saw Sheryl [Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer] earlier outside. We have great respect for each other," The Telegraph quoted him, as saying.
According to the paper, Apple and Facebook have had a strained business relationship for years.
In 2010 Steve Jobs publicly described failed negotiations with Facebook over the integration of Ping, Apple's iTunes-based social network, as "onerous".
Apple was also reportedly frustrated by the way it took Facebook until October 2011 to produce an app tailored for the iPad.
According to the paper, Cook appeared to suggest an entente could be in the works.
"We appreciate each other. For us, we want to provide customers simple and elegant ways to do the things they want to do," the paper quoted Cook, as saying.
"Facebook has hundreds of millions of customers. So, anyone that has an iPhone or iPad, we want them to have the best experience with Facebook on those platforms. So stay tuned," he added.

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