Wednesday 8 February 2012

Facebook has started to roll out Google Plus styled photo viewer

Facebook has begun rolling out a new way to view photos that has the very same 'lightbox' look as Google+, with a huge photo in the centre and darkened edges.

Now if you click on any photo it'll pop-up to fill most of your screen and the background becomes dark. You can then scroll through photos with the arrows at the sides or 'tag' or 'like' a photo with the buttons that are in the bottom left hand corner.

Comments now sit on the right side of the photo and there are a couple of cheeky ads and sponsored stories at the bottom of some images too.   Many online commentators (and Google+ advocates) have been moaning that the new photo viewer looks like a rip-off of Google+. Admittedly it does, but who cares. It makes our photos look better and we're not giving up the social network in favour of Google's offering anytime soon.

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