Thursday 11 October 2012

Apple has refused to comment on reports that the iPhone 5 will launch in India on 26 October.
Yesterday the Internet was abuzz after a report by BGR India had quoted multiple sources confirming the launch date as 26 October.
Apple has refused to comment on these reports. In an email response to Firstpost, Apple’s Press spokesperson said that we have no announcement to make at the moment on a launch or price of the iPhone 5 in India.  (italics quotes). He added, There is speculation in media and we dont comment on speculation. 
Apple is known to not respond to media speculations, and usually deny all reports that speculate on the release of any product.
Earlier this month, there were reports that Apple had slashed the prices of the iPhone 4S and iPhone 4 in India in anticipation of the iPhone 5 launch.
The price of the iPhone 4S 16GB model was slashed to Rs 41,400, a reduction of Rs 3,100 from its earlier price of Rs 44,500. The iPhone 4 8GB also saw its price drop to Rs 28,300 from the earlier price of Rs 37,900.
Hopefully we will know soon when Apple’s iPhone 5 will be launched in India. What we do know so far, is that India is on the ‘third wave’ of the official launch of the device. Speculation is that it is likely to go on sale ahead of the Diwali shopping season.

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